Photography, makeup application, styling for clothing and props: Katie Klein; lighting: Johnny Davis; hair styling: Kandice Russell; clothing:Design Archives.
Photography, makeup application, styling for clothing and props: Katie Klein; lighting: Johnny Davis; hair styling: Kandice Russell; clothing:Design Archives.
A perfect Mother’s day gift is the title of the article, written by Erin McClanahan Rainwater. The paper is out on news stands today and the cover image is a family portrait of Erin and her family. The cover image was inspired by my “Original Sweethearts” series of photographs (fine art portraits of women- read more on my blog below) and my theatrical, vintage inspired personal work.
Erin interviewed me for her “Meet an Artist” column in the news and record’s Go Triad a few weeks ago. During the interview, I explained to Erin how passionate I am, as an artist to photograph women and make them feel glamorous and beautiful. To work against the way the media and fashion industry lower self-esteem and create an unrealistic and narrow-minded idea of what is beautiful. I had been thinking about more ways to incorporate my personal work into the documentary style portraiture that I already offer my clients. At the end of the interview Erin asked me if I had ever thought about photographing a woman with her children? I had thought about this, but I have to say, when I moved back to N.C. after working in NY and L.A, I never thought people here would appreciate something so different. However, many of my clients over the last few years have been artists themselves, or have really appreciated art. When Erin mentioned that she would be interested in a creative, theatrical shoot it really confirmed my belief that I was not giving people enough credit. Of course I was extremely excited to be able to offer a shoot to a client that really appreciates fine art and would allow me to be myself, in my full creative mode.
With all the photographer’s websites that are starting to look exactly alike, in an industry where no credentials are required, how can anyone appreciate a photographer as a unique artist, shooting in their own style? Incorporating the skills that I learned in college, in the fashion industry and throughout my career, I am now offering portraiture that is a true expression of my style. David LaChapelle always said, “no matter what stay true to your style”. This is easily said when Andy Warhol takes you under his wing and you are not a “starving” artist, lol. Thanks to my wonderful clients, who have been so responsive, I am now offering this new creative style of portraiture.
Please check out the article this week in Yes! Weekly, http://www.yesweekly.com/triad/article-11999-a-perfect-mothers-day-gift.html,
and the blog which features a Q&A about these photographs, http://yesweeklyblog.blogspot.com.
Erin’s story is about the importance of family portraits in her own life and is very inspiring. She said some really lovely things about her experience with the family portraiture shoot and about working with me and our team. I really do believe that the people you meet and the relationships that you form along this journey of life are meant to inspire you, or have an influence on your life in some way. Erin thank you for confirming that I am appreciated, you have touched my heart.